Introduction (in Five Parts)
While aware the new technologies
that enable "radio"
to be delivered over the
Web require new theoretical and
critical tools,
we're interested in a process
comment and critique that also
reflects on the adequacy
of older accounts of
radio in the face of, and within,
new situations.
In these (still) early
years of the Web,
virtual radio is already being
imagined in a variety
of ways, even if most of these
ways owe much
to the established forms and
discourses of radio
as they are currently constituted
outside of the Web.
It may be useful at the outset
of this piece to confirm
our understanding that the instrumental
of "Web radio"
is inseparable from its rhetorical
dimensions as
cultural or social technology.
In this brief meditation
we engage Web radio as a
site where metaphor, magic,
and power converge.
Navigation: You can work your way through this piece
by clicking on various links
as they
appear on the pages ( a few will
take you outside this project);
you can use the "Seek"
button at the bottom of each page
to move in an "essayic"
order, more or less;
you can use the "Scan"
button at the bottom of each page to
move to a randomly linked page.