When Ann left for her uncle's funeral, she wanted to be there for her father. It was the first death in her father's family since his parents died. Ann and her mother stayed home the first morning and baked scalloped potatoes with ham and goulash for her aunt. It took hours for the potatoes to cook. Ann wanted to make a cake, but didn't. After visitation, the extended family returned with Ann's aunt to her home. The hot dishes Ann and her mother had prepared were put out on the table along with a loaf of store bread. One of her aunts took a slice of bread from the bag and ate it like a cookie. Ann wished she had baked a cake or some other sweets for the table. But what did she know about death rituals? This was the first death in her father's family since his parents died. Later she asked about the table and was told that neighbors usually bring the food for visitation. But what did she know about death rituals? This was the first death in her father's family since his parents died. |