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Towards a Rhetoric of Tactile Pictures Carol Wiest continued . . . |
Works Cited Barth, John L. "The Development and Evaluation of a Tactile Graphics Kit." Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness (September 1982): 269-73. CNIB Library. Hands-on Alphabet Book. Toronto: Canadian National Institute for the Blind. 1987. Edman, Polly K. Tactile Graphics. New York: American Foundation for the Blind, 1992. Fricke, Joerg. "Electroheological Tactile Displays." Tactile Graphics and Raised Representations. (1996) 21 Jan. 2001. http://www.rit.edu/~easi/easisem/fricke.html Fricke, Joerg and Helmut Baehring. "Design of a Tacile Graphic I/O Tablet and its Integration into a Personal Computer System for Blind Users." Tactile Graphics and Raised Representations. (1996) 21 Jan. 2001. Foulke, Emerson. "Tangible Graphic Displays." Tactile Graphics and Raised Representations. (1996) 21 Jan. 2001. Heller, Morton A. and John M. Kennedy. "Perspective Taking, Pictures, and the Blind." Journal of Perception and Psychophysics 48.5 (1986 ): 459-66. Hinton, R. A. L. "Use of Tactile Pictures to Communicate the Work of Visual Artists to Blind People." Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness (April 1991): 174-75. - - - . "Tactual Experience in Relation to Diagram Use." British Journal of Visual Impairment 6.1 (1988): 11, 13-14. Hinton, R. A. L. and D. G. Ayres. "The Development of Tactile Diagrams for Blind Biology Students." Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness (January 1987): 24-25. Kennedy John M. Drawing & the Blind: Pictures to Touch. New Haven: Yale UP, 1993. Kress, Gunther and Theo van Leeuwen. Reading Images. New York: Routledge, 1996. Lederman Susan J. and James I. Campbell. "Tangible Line Graphics: An Evaluation and Some Systematic Strategies for Exploration." Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness (March 1983): 108-12. Mack, Cathy. "Advice on Teaching the Use of Tactile Graphics." Tactile Graphics and Raised Representations. (1996) 10 Feb. 1996. Nsth, Winfried. Handbook of Semiotics. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1990. Pring, Linda. "Getting in Touch with Pictures and Words: Educational Strategies for the Blind." International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 12.1 (1990): 57-65. |