
A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture


Enculturation: a journal of rhetoric, writing, and culture invites, accepts, and curates responses to events, controversies, topics, themes, terms, and ideas. Responses—broadly construed—are scholarly works that are theoretically informed but publicly accessible for wide audiences. These works will attempt to contribute to the scholarly eco-system by providing a space for scholars to take up current concerns in flexible and timely ways. In addition to responses that directly engage a current event or scholarly work, Enculturation will also be interested in pieces that propose new orientations to traditional concerns. These short, focused works will engage common and current matters of interest critically, affirmatively, and/or speculatively through a variety of media. Responses should serve as relays that provoke future work. While responses will not be peer-reviewed in the traditional sense, contributions will be rigorously curated and edited to provide Enculturation readers with responsible but lively additions to our scholarly conversations.

The scope for these contributions will vary according to the media used, but they will be typically less than a traditional article.

To inquire about or to propose a response, please contact Associate Editor Casey Boyle (casey.boyle -at- gmail.com) with any questions.

Response Index

Rhetoric and the Stoning of Rachel Jeantel
Kevin Browne, Syracuse University

Smart Media at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jon McKenzie, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Authenticity of What's Next
Timothy Richardson, University of Texas at Arlington

Rhetorical Theory/Bruno Latour
Nathaniel Rivers, Saint Louis University