Facing the Future of Electronic Publishing

Enculturation, Vol. 4, No. 1, Spring 2002

About Kairos

Kairos is a refereed online journal exploring the intersections of rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy. Each issue presents varied perspectives on special topics such as "Critical Issues in Computers and Writing," "Technology and the Face of Language Arts in the K-12 Classroom," and "Hypertext Fiction/Hypertext Poetry."

In Kairos, we publish "webtexts," which are texts authored specifically for publication on the World Wide Web. These webtexts include scholarly examinations of large- scale issues related to special topics, individual and collaborative reviews of books and media, news and announcements of interest, interactive exchanges about previous Kairos publications, and extended interviews with leading scholars.

With Kairos, we seek to push boundaries in academic publishing at the same time we strive to bridge the gap between print and digital publishing cultures. We further seek to bring forward and support the voices of those too often marginalized in the academy, especially graduate students and adjunct and other part-time faculty.

— DE

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Citation Format:
Eyman, Douglas, et al. Introduction. "Facing the Future of Electronic Publishing." Special Multi-journal Issue on Electronic Publication 4.1 (Spring 2002):

Contact Information:
Douglas Eyman, Kairos
Home Page:

Copyright © Enculturation 2002

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