![]() Introduction Facing the Future of Electronic Publishing Enculturation, Vol. 4, No. 1, Spring 2002 Works CitedGreenblatt, Stephen. "Call for Action on Problems in Scholarly Book Publishing: Special Letter from the President." MLA. 28 May 2002. http://www.mla.org/www_mla_org/reports/reports_main.asp?level=2&mode= Kolb, David. "Socrates in the Labyrinth." Hyper/Text/Theory. Ed., George P. Landow. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins U P, 1994. 323-344. Landow, George P. Hypertext 2.0: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins U P, 1997. Lanham, Richard. The Electronic Word: Democracy, Technology, and the Arts. Chicago, IL: U Chicago P, 1993. Lang, Susan. "Electronic Dissertations: Preparing Students for Our Past or Their Futures?" College English 64.6 (July 2002): 680-95. Ruark, Jennifer K. "University Presses Suffer Bleak Financial Year." Chronicle of Higher Education. 20 July 2001. http://chronicle.com/weekly/v47/i45/45a01701.htm (24 June 2002). Ruark, Jennifer K., and Gabriela Montell. "A Wake-Up Call for Junior Professors" Chronicle of Higher Education. 2 July 2002. http://chronicle.com/jobs/2002/07/2002070201c.htm (2 July 2002). Selfe, Cynthia L.; Linda Hanson, Gail Hawisher, Victor Villanuvea Jr, and Kathleen Yancey. Tenure and Promotion Cases for Faculty Who Work With Technology. http://www.hu.mtu.edu/~cyselfe/P&TStuff/P&TWeb/Introduction.htm (1 Aug 2002). Sweeney, Aldrin. "Should You Publish in Electronic Journals?" The Journal of Electronic Publishing 6.2 (December 2000): http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/06-02/sweeney.html Williams, Sean. "Theorizing a Perspective on WWW Argumentation." Dissertation. University of Washington, 1999.
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