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- Institutional Affiliation
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
Personal Information
- Name
- Tara Pauliny
- Bio
I am currently an Assistant Professor in John Jay's Department of English where I also run the college's Writing Across the Curriculum Program. I graduated with my PhD in Rhetoric and Composition from the Ohio State University in 2002, and in addition to John Jay, I have worked as an Assistant Professor at two previous institutions--one where I ran the Writing Center, and one where I was the Director of First-Year Writing. Broadly speaking, I am interested in feminist rhetorics and queer theory; more specifically, I examine women's persuasive use of masculinity, the intersection of queer theory and writing program administration, and most currently, the pedagogical (and transnational) use of human remains.
Below is a list of my publications, work in progress, and selected conference presentations:PUBLICATIONS:
“When ‘Ms. Mentor’ Misses the Mark: Literacy and Lesbian Identity in the Academy.” Identity Papers:
Literacy and Power in Higher Education: Ed. Bronwyn T. Williams. Logan, UT: Utah State
University Press, 2006.
“‘Outing’ the Institution’: (Re)Writing Technologies with a Rhetoric of Female-to-Male Drag.” Labor,
Writing Technologies, and the Shaping of Composition in the Academy. Eds. Patricia Sullivan and Pamela
Takayoshi. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2006.
“Erotic Arguments and Persuasive Acts: Discourses of Desire and the Rhetoric of FTM Drag.” Journal of
Homosexuality. 43.3-4 (2002): 221-248.WORK IN PROGRESS:
Essay. “Disturbing Display: 'Bodies…The Exhibition' and the Transnational Marketing of Public Health”
Essay. ”Rescuing Normalcy: The Bureau of Social Hygiene’s Response to Katharine Bement Davis’ Factors in the Sex Life of 2200 Women”
Essay. With Rebecca Dingo, University of Missouri. “Managing Reproductive Contagions: Rhetorics of Sex and Dis/ability in Early Twentieth-Century Social Hygiene Campaigns”SELECTED PRESENTATIONS:
"WAC and the Sophomore Gap in the Early Stages of the General Education Reform Process: Pre-writing and Brainstorming." The 6th Annual CUNY General Education Conference, Brooklyn, NY, May 2010.
“Hottentots, Dykes, and Beauty Queens: Female (Self)Control and the Ever-Present Other.” 17th Annual Cultural Studies Conference, Manhattan, KS, March 2008.
“Pleasurable Performances: The Instructive Capacity of Desire, Transgression, and Taboo.” 16th Annual Cultural Studies Conference, Manhattan, KS, March 2007.
“Revisiting and Revising: Benefits of Using the 6+1 Trait Method in Undergraduate Writing Program Administration.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Philadelphia, March 2007.
“Theoretically Prepared: On Entering the Profession as an Assistant Professor Administration.” Workshop.
Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, March 2006.
“Ida B. Wells and the Persuasive Excess of Her Anti-Lynching Campaign.” 5th Biennial International
Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conference, Houghton, MI, Oct. 2005.
“Breaking Rank: On Being a Queer Assistant Professor Administrator.” International Writing Centers
Association Conference. Minneapolis, October 2005.
“Moving Toward a Definition: Using Female-to-Male Drag to Queer Feminist Rhetorics.” Conference on
College Composition and Communication. San Antonio, March 2004.
“Reading Readingwomen: Constructing Professional Identities in Cyberspace.” 4th Biennial International
Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conference, Columbus, October, 2003.
“Constructing the Monetary Space of the Writing Center.” Writing Center Pre-Conference Workshop.
Conference on College Composition and Communication. New York, March 2003.
“Exactly the Same, Only Different: The Rhetoric and Composition Job Search.” Conference on College
Composition and Communication. New York, March 2003.
“Revising the Metaphor: Queering the Feminization of Composition.” Thomas R. Watson Conference in
Rhetoric and Composition. Louisville, October, 2002.
“‘I Am Your King’: Elizabeth I and the Rhetoric of Female-to-Male Drag.” Rhetoric Society of America. Las
Vegas, May, 2002.
“The Threat of Queer(ed) Pedagogies: Writing Teachers Confront Rhetorics of Gender and Sexuality in the
Classroom.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, March, 2002.
- Member for
- 14 years 9 months