Byron Hawk is an Associate Professor of English at the University of South Carolina. His primary research interests are histories and theories of composition and rhetoric and technology, specifically the intersection of invention, pedagogy, complexity theory, and new media. He has published articles in the edited volume The Terministic Screen and the journals Pedagogy, Technical Communications Quarterly, and JAC and is the author of A Counter-History of Composition: Toward Methodologies of Complexity (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007), which won JAC's W. Ross Winterowd Award for the best book published in 2007 on composition theory. In addition to editing Enculturation, he isĀ the editor of a book series for Parlor Press titled New Media Theory and two collections on technology, Small Tech: The Culture of Digital Tools with David Rieder and Ollie Oviedo (University of Minnesota Press, 2008), and Digital Tools in Composition Studies: Critical Dimensions and Implications with Ollie Oviedo and Joyce R. Walker (Hampton Press, 2010).