I am assistant professor in the Department of Basic Composition at Utah Valley University. I graduated from Clemson University's PhD program in Rhetorics, Communication & Information Design (RCID) in 2010.
My research, broadly speaking, focuses on the effect of networked society on the rhetorical canon of memory. I use Alexander Galloway's work on protocol, the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, and various concepts of postpedagogy (especially Greg Ulmer, Geoffrey Sirc, Jeff Rice, Thomas Rickert, Diane Davis and others). Through these three I discuss the problem of memory (specifically its regulation), and a solution through aleatory invention.
I have an article, forthcoming in JAC, on a rhetorical theory of the comic, specifically the gutter (that blank space between panels). I am also working on a shorter bit on Deleuze's concept of Expression, and a third piece on post-pedagogy and anarchism.